
Ramon Egli cited for excellence in refereeing

Dr. Ramon Egli (Geophysics-Magnetism) was honored in the 2008 Editors' Citations for Excellence in Refereeing. He was cited by John Tarduno and his services for the journal Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems - also known as G-cubed. His picture and citation appear in EOS Vol. 90/28, Jul 14 2009.

Kein Schwamm im Stammbaum des Menschen

LMU-Forscher konnten die genetische Ähnlichkeit – und damit die weitgehend ungeklärte Verwandtschaft – bestimmter Schwämme, Nesseltiere und anderer evolutionär früher Tiergruppen aufklären. Die Ergebnisse können auch dazu beitragen, die Entwicklungsgeschichte von Organsystemen nachzuvollziehen.

Andreas Fichtner (THESIS PhD-student) speaks at the 58. Lindau Meeting of Nobel Laureates

On July 3rd the Elite Network of Bavaria hosted a „Bavarian Get-together“ for the participants of the 58. Lindau Meeting of Nobel Laureates. 25 Nobel Laureates and about 500 young scientists from 67 countries were invited. Andreas Fichtner (PhD-student in the International Graduate School THESIS of the Elite Network of Bavaria) was one of four young speakers presenting their research this evening.

Three students from THESIS and colleagues jointly publish in Nature

THESIS-students Yan Lavallee, Benoit Cordonnier and Axel Gerik together with their co-authors publish their recent research findings on explosive volcanism. Their observations during experimental fragmentation of real magma samples in the laboratory suggest that forecasting of explosive eruptions of active volcanoes may be possible.